April 2 | Acts 6:8-8:1 - Nothing Can Separate

April 2 | Acts 6:8-8:1 - Nothing Can Separate

DATE: April 2, 2023
THEME: Nothing Can Separate
SCRIPTURE: Acts 6:8-8:1

The LOOOOONGEST sermon in the New Testament is Stephen's defense before the High Priest and the council of the Sanhedrin. He turns their accusations of him and aims them back at the Chief Priests. Stephen's defense is a fulfillment of Jesus' prophetic words that His Holy Spirit would be with them to give them the words to speak when they were brought before councils and religious leaders. Beneath his sermon is a powerful encouragement that God will never forsake His beloved people, whether it be Israel or Church.

April 16 | Acts 8:1-4 - God Can Use Anyone

April 16 | Acts 8:1-4 - God Can Use Anyone

March 26 | Acts 6:1-15 - Every Member a Minister

March 26 | Acts 6:1-15 - Every Member a Minister