Feb 26 | What You Value

Feb 26 | What You Value

DATE: February 26, 2023
THEME: What you value reveals your identity & character
SCRIPTURE: Acts 4:36-5:11

The narrative about Barnabas and Ananias & Sapphira reveals a deep truth about the nature of the early Church. They were replacing the temple as a place for Yahweh's presence and for being God's representatives on earth. Through these people, God was displaying His power, might, goodness, mercy, justice, and jealousy for His holy name. When we walk in our identity as the chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation, a people of Yahweh's possession...we manifest His presence in authentic ways, filled with the power of His Holy Spirit. We don't use the power of the tongue to deceive or boast in ourselves. What you value, reveals your identity & character.

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