Feb 5 | Speak Truth

Feb 5 | Speak Truth

DATE: February 5, 2023
THEME: It's always a Good Day to Stand Firm
SCRIPTURE: Acts 4:1-22

After Peter & John healed the man who was lame for 40 years by the Beautiful Gate and preached a powerful sermon in the temple courts that brought 5000 more people to faith in Jesus, they were arrested by the temple guards and chief priests and brought before the Sanhedrin, the highest authorities in all of ancient Israel. They instructed the Apostles to stop preaching in the name of Jesus, to which the Apostles responded that "there is no other name under heaven by which people can be saved [than that of Jesus Christ]!" This set a precedent for Israel's rulers to blaspheme the Spirit of God and the stand firm in their unbelief, and also set a precedent for the Church to stand firm in the gospel of Jesus Christ in the midst of persecution. *Also, learn where the phrase "His goose is cooked" came from.

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