Jan 22 | Speak Truth

Jan 22 | Speak Truth

DATE: January 22, 2023
THEME: It's always a good day to Speak Truth
SCRIPTURE: Acts 3:11-26

After Peter and John heal the man who was lame from birth at the beautiful gate, he enters the temple with them jumping, leaping, and praising God, and this causes quite the commotion and uproar, so after the time of prayer, while they're out in Solomon's Portico, the crowds rush to them to hear how such a thing come came to happen. This provides an incredible opportunity for Peter to preach a powerful sermon of repentance, refreshing, and restoration in the temple courts. As Peter and John took the opportunity to do good by stepping out in faith to heal the man, they take this opportunity to speak truth of God's refreshment and the restoration of all things.

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