July 7 | Planted Established Fruitful

July 7 | Planted Established Fruitful

DATE: July 7, 2024
THEME: Planted Established Fruitful
SCRIPTURE: Acts 21:37-22:24a

As Paul is being detained and brought to the Barracks (aka the Antonia Fortress) he respectfully asked the Roman Tribune if he can speak to the crowds, try to calm them down, but he also uses this as an opportunity to tell his story, his testimony of grace and salvation. He gives a powerful and convincing witness to the miracles, salvation, calling, and mission he was given by Christ. The crowd listens intently, possibly even interestedly, until Paul pushes a button of cultural prejudice and hatred, the Gentiles. We see and can be inspired by several things in this account of Paul before this angry mob; specifically that Yahweh desires for us to be planted, established, and fruitful in the Lord Jesus.

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