June 25 | Heal the Hurt

June 25 | Heal the Hurt

DATE: June 25, 2023
THEME: Heal the Hurt, Don't Deal the Hurt
SCRIPTURE: Acts 9:32-43

The accounts of the healing of Aeneas and the raising of Tabitha from the dead put the love of God in the midst of the Church on full display, so that when people saw the love and intentionality of ministering the disciples had for one another, they came to glorify the LORD, believe in Jesus, and joined the Church, the people of God. His heart for the Church is to bring healing and restoration, not to deal out hurt and injury to one another. To be a people who prove to be Jesus' disciples by expressing the love we have for one another.

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July 2 | Walk Closely

June 18 | Through the Lens of the Gospel of Grace

June 18 | Through the Lens of the Gospel of Grace