May 19 | Romans

May 19 | Romans

DATE: May 19, 2024
THEME: Romans
SCRIPTURE: Acts 20:1-3a

After Paul hears the good news of the repentance of the Corinthian Church and is dedicated to go to Corinth, he first travels up to Illyricum (today's Serbia, Bosnia, and Croatia), then down to Corinth where he stays for 3 months. During this visit, Paul encourages the Church and heals relationships, even probably the broken relationship with the divisive brother. He hears word from Priscilla and Aquila who have returned to Rome after Nero has opened the city back up to the Jewish people. It is here in the winter of AD 57 that Paul writes his famous letter to the Church in Rome, known as "Romans." In this teaching, we discuss the themes, purpose, and outline of the letter to the Romans and its power in the life of the Church then and today.

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