May 5 | Pray & Be Alert

May 5 | Pray & Be Alert

DATE: May 5, 2024
THEME: Pray & Be Alert
SCRIPTURE: Acts 19:21-41

A spiritual battle descends upon Ephesus between the true God, Yahweh, and Artemis, goddess of Ephesus, the “divine feminine”, and “queen of heaven.” In this world, we are surrounded by spiritual battles being fought in the spiritual realm. They are pretty content to leave the Church in relative peace…until their livelihoods and spiritual strongholds over cities and regions becomes threatened. Paul understood this battle, and he spent his life preparing and equipping the Saints in Ephesus to fight…not against people, but against the authorities, principalities, and evil forces of the enemy in the unseen realm. This is the basis of the end of his later letter to the Church in Ephesus. In this part of Acts, we see the protection and power of God against such forces.

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