Nov 27 | Acts 2 - THIS; Part 1

Nov 27 | Acts 2 - THIS; Part 1

DATE: November 27, 2022
THEME: This; Part 1

"THIS is what was spoken..." What is "THIS"...? It is the fulfillment of Joel 2 in the pouring out of God's Holy Spirit upon all flesh! THIS was, is still today, and will always be the hope for the entire world.

*We are doing a bit different of an Advent series, instead of celebrating the Advent of Jesus Christ, we are celebrating the Advent of Holy Spirit, which the ancient Jewish nation was looking forward to almost as much as the Messiah Himself. Acts 2 and the Advent/Arrival of Holy Spirit was the fulfillment of several prophecies from the First Covenant, specifically Joel 2. As we study through this chapter of scripture for our Advent season this December, we will look at different elements of "THIS" - the outpouring of Holy Spirit upon all flesh through Pentecost.

Dec 4 | Act 2 - THIS; Part 2

Dec 4 | Act 2 - THIS; Part 2

Nov 20 | Acts 1:1-12-26 - Choose Fellowship

Nov 20 | Acts 1:1-12-26 - Choose Fellowship