Nov 6 | Intro to Acts

Nov 6 | Intro to Acts

DATE: November 6, 2022
THEME: Intro to Acts
SCRIPTURE: Acts 16:10-40; 20:5-21:17; 27:1-28:16

The work of Luke can be summarized as "God's Kingdom & Salvation; its root and fruit. As we begin our new series we will be going through the history of the 30 years that changed the world using the Book of Acts as our outline. As we observe the origins of the Church in the first century, it can be tempting to idolize them and what God was doing until we realize that the story of God is being written still and just as powerfully today through His people, His Kingdom on earth, His Church. As we begin this series, we take a look at the author of the book of Acts; Luke. We look at the why and how he wrote his great 2-volume work, who he was, and how we ought to read his works in light of who he was in the Church. He's so much more than we have realized.

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Nov 13 | Acts 1:1-14 - Peace in the Wait