September 17 | Joy and Jealousy

September 17 | Joy and Jealousy

DATE: September 17, 2023
THEME: Joy and Jealousy
SCRIPTURE: Acts 13:13-52

Paul and Barnabas travel to Antioch in Pisidia and gives his first recorded sermon in the synagogue. He recounts the great history of Yahweh's blessings and promises given to the Jewish nation and how Jesus is not the fulfillment of His promises and establishes new ones. The next week, almost the entire town shows up, but the Jewish leaders are jealous and rally their allies together to run them out of town, but the Gentiles celebrate with great joy the proclamation of the gospel. The gospel brings joy when it's accepted, but brings jealousy when rejected.

Sept 17 | Joy or Jealousy
Alan Felts
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