Shifting ordinary relationships
into authentic community
to live God’s adventure
together; fully alive!
Shifting ordinary relationships
into authentic community
to live God’s adventure
together; fully alive!
SERIES: Why God?
THEME: "Shift Your Focus Inside the Four Walls of the Family of Faith (the church)"
QUESTION: What does God want me to do?SCRIPTURE: Galatians 6:7-10
Where does God want us to focus as a church? What does God want for me? God loves His people, God loves the world and wants them to believe and become a part of His people, to be one as Jesus and the Father are one, so that the world will believe! We share what we value. We talk about what we are passionate about. Do we value what God wants to do through authentic community and personal transformation? We should
SERIES: Why God?
THEME: Bolster Your Community
QUESTION: Why did God create me for relationships?
SCRIPTURE: Mark 5:25-34 & Luke 8:42b-48
We're all been hurt by past relationships. But we've also had a lot of joy because of them too. Don't "give up on humanity." Don't let past hurts keep you from saying yes to God's adventure for you through relationships. He had created you for relationships! First and foremost, for a relationship with HIM!
SERIES: Why God?
THEME: Find your Purpose
QUESTION: Why has God made me?
SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 29:8-14
Where do we seek to find our purpose? What voices do we follow? At the end of the day, while searching for our purpose, we can come out more confused that focused. So where do we go, who do we seek to find our purpose in life? We have to start with the right base if we are to discover what truly makes us come alive.
SERIES: Why God?
DATE: January 19, 2020
TOPIC: Be Gracious
SCRIPTURE: James 4:13-17
QUESTION: Why does God love me?
Funerals have a way of making us think about what truly matters in life. When you think about your life, what is it that you believe are the things that truly matter? How can you find out what truly matters in your life? We need to focus on the one who has the answers and ask His opinion for our lives.
SERIES: Why God?
DATE: January 12, 2019
TOPIC: Practicing Hope
SCRIPTURE: Psalm 23; James 1:2-3; Romans 8:18 QUESTION: How can I put my hope in God?
What does it look like to PRACTICE hope, not just feel pressured to HAVE hope. The more we put the hope of God into practice in real ways, the more God delivers and shows us time and time again that He is faithful.