Sept 25, 2022 | Power, Love, and Gumption

Sept 25, 2022 | Power, Love, and Gumption

DATE: September 25, 2022
THEME: Power, Love, and Gumption
SCRIPTURE: 2 Timothy 1:7 & Romans 8:15

In the midst of the difficulties, anxieties, persecutions, sufferings, fears, frustrations, and uncontrollable chaos in the world around us, the LORD has not given us a spirit of fear or slavery leaving back to fear, but of POWER, of LOVE, and GUMPTION (sound mind/judgement), His Spirit in our hearts crying out "Abba, Father!" He reminds us whose we are, who we are, and where we are, so that we know that no matter what comes, no matter what happens, we can endure because it is His Spirit who empowers us.

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